Go Travel at Reykjavík Grapevine
The Reykjavík Grapevine magazine has written about Iceland, both life and travel, since 2003. Today we use our expertise in travel journalism to select and offer our favourite tours, from trusted operators, with a focus on offering reasonable prices through direct sales from operators. The profits are used to fund Grapevine journalism.
We are confident that these are some of the best experiences Iceland has to offer, from established and experienced operators, teams and venues. Customer satisfaction is key. We strive to offer the best quality trip to each destination, the best operator of each activity, the most interesting things to see and do, and we constantly update our selection to reflect that.
Contact Go Travel at Reykjavík Grapevine
If you have general questions about us or the service that we render please contact us or drop by for a visit.
To contact us you can use one of the following methods:
- by sending us an email to go@grapevine.is or
- by calling us on +354 540-3600,
- by visiting us at Hafnarstæri 15, 3rd floor, 101 Reykjavík
- Company running Reykjavík Grapevine is Fröken ltd kt. 561101-3530, VAT number: 73216
We try to respond as soon as we can but outside of Icelandic business hours in you might experience slight delays.
Would you like to join our list of suppliers? We have strong partnership with most of the best and experienced suppliers in Iceland. If we are not currently working together we definitely would like to hear from you.
We have a strong network of partners and affiliates of all shapes and sizes. If you would like to enhance your revenue stream by earning additional revenue with very little effort and no risk then we should talk.
If you have any feedback, either good or bad we would love to hear it. We work closely with our suppliers and we want to guarantee that the products we sell are of the highest quality.
Skilmálar (Icelandic)
- Lög um varnarþing
- Trúnaður
i. Seljandi heitir kaupanda fullum trúnaði um allar þær upplýsingar sem kaupandi gefur upp í tengslum við viðskiptin. Upplýsingar frá kaupanda verða ekki afhentar þriðja aðila undir neinum kringumstæðum.Notkun á persónuupplýsingum ii. Sendingar úr kerfi Verslunar kunna að nota persónuupplýsingar, s.s. búsetu, aldur eða viðskiptasögu, til að útbúa viðeigandi skilaboð til meðlima síðunnar. Þessar upplýsingar eru aldrei afhentar þriðja aðila. Meðlimir vefverslunnarinnar geta ætíð afskráð sig og þannig neitað fyrirtækinu notkun á slíkum upplýsingum.